Saturday, January 12, 2008

CCUSD Budget Woes?

As an advocacy group for the teachers and children in the Cave Creek Unified School District we are disheartened to be receiving reports that teachers are being told that they cannot order anymore educational supplies this year due to budget issues. This simply is unacceptable. The teachers need to have their basic educational supplies on hand and available without delay or effort. In light of the $15,000 the district has chosen to spend to "analyze the election results", this is even more disgusting. The district is taking educational materials out the hands our our students to find a new ways to trick the voters into believing there is a growth problem, when the real problem is slipping academic achievement.

Also, some teachers claim they are being told by administrators that these cuts are because the Bond and Capital Override failed. This is a flat out lie. Pathetic.


  1. It would be interesting to note that the district will spend $15,000 to evaluate election results while there are more than 12 non-functioning heaters at DAAMS. Students and teachers must were jackets in the classroom to keep warm. The official district policy is not to maintain, but fix it after it breaks. There was a water leak in the 7th grade building.... the solution was to turn the water off to the building.... not fix the leak. There are multiple structural and functional deficits at DAAMS that we are told will NOT be repaired because.... no budget override!! Hows about fix the heater and not pay to evaluate the election.

  2. Well, that is another disappoting thing to hear. How can a district with such young buildings be in such a state of disrepair? Many of us went to schools back East that were 70 and 80 years old.

    The more we look into what is going on at CCUSD they more disgusted we become. We are starting to believe that academics and rewarding and retaining experienced teachers are so far down the list that they will never become the districts top priority.

  3. The 29th January will be DAAMS night to make a presentation to the District; of the many things they are highlighting are the high achievement of the students, they will not criticize the lack of resources or deterioration of a school that is a mere 19-years old. Basically, it is a dog and pony show. The presence of the faculty has been requested/strongly advised by administration.... another 'off hours', unpaid request from the district of people who already do not earn enough for the time they are putting in. There are also teachers who are persuaded to take on extracurricular clubs for a stipend and are then told after making the commitment that they will not be paid.... the district finds any reason not to pay teachers for this type of assignment and then guilts the teacher into 'not letting the students down' by quitting the club. Something needs to be done.... I know of many teacher with many years of experience, are beloved by the community and are HIGHLY QUALIFIED who will not be returning next year.

  4. Dear "January 19, 2008 7:47 PM",

    Wow! I agree that teacher retention is appalling in the district. We have seen the numbers.

    What is hard to believe is that the district thinks building new buildings and adding laptops is the way to improve teacher retention. Sad!

  5. Yesterday I saw a SCOTTSDALE school bus drop off one lone student at the entrance to Estancia on Dynamite. Is it really cost effective for the Scottsdale School District to provide bus service to students in the CCUSD?

  6. Can you please answer what you hope to accomplish with this site and your letters to the SONORAN NEWS? It seems as if you're just out to crucify and persecute the school community as a whole.

    If you're an employee of the district, what is your intention - to improve the school district or cause it to implode? How exactly are you helping the students? If you don't like how the district operates, why do you stay?

    As members of the school community, what is your plan if you successfully get rid of the current leadership of the district? How will you make CCUSD a district that will be rewarding for all members of the school community - students, staff, parents?

  7. Dear "February 2, 2008 10:51 PM",

    Our mission statement is on the front page. Above all else we wish to "improve the learning, curriculum, and performance of all CCUSD schools."

    Step one. Use this blog to shine a light on the slipping academics of the district, while pointing out all the ridiculous things the administration focuses its efforts on. Go to the board meetings (we do) and you will NEVER hear them discuss how to improve academics in the district. I guess if the state says we are EXCELLING, all must be fine.

  8. It is nice that you all criticize the school board, administration and district as a whole. You are contributing to the problem rather than the solutions. If you care so much, how come you aren't either running for the Board or helping the district get the resources it needs. It's easy to be an arm chair quarterback....I have to say I applaud the Board for taking a stand and saving some of the key programs and positions. Only one board member did not support saving these programs...all of the others got it right. Now we need to get a capital override and bond to fix the buildings that are falling apart, new buses, and bring the district up. You can help! Be part of the solution!!!!!!!

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Hi thanks for you comment.

    A response can be found on at the top of the blog.


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