CCUSD Superintendent Tacy Ashby's Letter Requesting Release from Contract
Dr. Ashby wrote...
I will be seeking new opportunities for professional growth and contribution.
Just the first shot in her cowardly and unprofessional departure from Cave Creek Unified Schools only 30 days from the start of a new school year.
Thanks Mr. Airdo!
Thank goodness for that! Maybe now we will get someone who will stand behind the students and improve things.
ReplyDeleteAnd I agree with Watch. The excelliing schools are based on STATE standards that are FAR BELOW other states in regards to what is acceptable. The schools here are failing if you compare them to other mid-west and east coast schools.
Our plan is to get out of this state as soon as we can so that we can move to a state where excelling schools mean just that...excelling. Based on higher standards and higher expectations for their students.
Kindergarteners are not expected to READ at the end of their school year here. They are in most other states. Don't get me started (like most of you care.)
Open your eyes and realize that excelling schools here mean little when compared to most of the US. Take a look and find out how many of our high schoolers are failing out of college because they don't have the skills necessary to survive there.
This district needs helps and needs to step up and move beyond what is expected by the state of AZ. Find out what is expected in other states and realize how far behind our kids are! Get with the program!
And yes, I've tried. I've had principals and Ashby herself tell me I am out of my mind. All they see is the labels that the BOE gives them and they get all big headed about it without realizing it means nothing outside of this state!
Anonymous at 8:52 a.m.
ReplyDeleteI say...move now...see ya...move over the rainbow to your perfect little world....these issues are not as simple as..."let's just implement everything they did where I come from." Why do you blame the district for the incompetence of the state? Have you taken your arguments there?
Believe me...our educators are well aware of the issues in regard to the quality of education; but with a state legislature that does not see the need to support education they try valiantly to work within the limitations.
So if you think it is so much better somewhere else...go...goodbye...if you really want to sit here and whine at the CCUSD for things that are state/federal issues, go right you think the fact that NO ONE wants to pay any taxes here could have something to do with it? What are the tax rates in those so-called perfect states?
It is not a superintendent that stands behind the students, but one that stands UP TO this board and the pathetic whiners out here. Make decisions that are best for the kids and tell the community to shut up! Don't worry so much about what every little complaining group wants...listen to the educators and administrators and support them.
So we may go back to fewer committees and fewer opportunitites for community input. Maybe that's what we really need. and don't let the barn door hit you on your way out...
"Opportunities for growth and development toward excellence will occur only as leaders, staff members, parents and community members work together in an environment where everyone’s strengths and roles are appropriately defined, differentiated, sincerely valued and professionally honored and always focused on the best interest of our children.
In other words....when people in this community start respecting each other and working together...not lobbing grenades and complaining and whining when personal agendas are not accepted. Trust our principals and teachers and administrators...listen to and accept their recommendations; they are the ones in the classrooms every day...not you. Start treating district personnel as the professionals they are, start working positively toward change together.
The BMES PTO is highlighted on this site...well, want to know why it is so good? Because it does those things. BMES PTO works WITH the principal to support the vision of the school and needs of the teachers and students. They do not create their own agenda and then foist it upon the principal..they do not sit outside and assume that they know better than those involved in the school about what makes a good school. And when they see a need, they work WITH teachers, students and staff to fill it.
That is what this district needs. A board more like the BMES PTO and parents who spend more time supporting and listening than whining and pursuing personal agendas.
Dear 8:52AM,
ReplyDeleteWe moved from the top school district in Connecticut here 3 years ago. Our children were not expected to read by the end of kindergarten although they were taught some rudimentary skills in that grade. We payed nearly 4 times in property taxes what we pay here with most of it going to education and our house was half as big as our house here. Plus, our kids were taught the same Everyday Math program used in this district.
In 3rd grade in our old district our daughter had her first large report project. As part of that project, she had to create a trifold presentation board with a ton of factual detail and she had to do a 5-10 minute oral presentation. Needless to say, guess who wound up doing the work - the parents. When we moved here, we looked specifically for a district (I spoke in depth with 5 districts) that was community minded and held realistic expectations for the children. I don't see what forcing work on children before they are ready helps and I don't see the necessity of treating 3rd graders like little CEOs.
Somehow, I think you and Watch want to wake up tomorrow to schools that meet east coast standards. Our schools made extraordinary advances in that direction, but you want it all right now. Those type of changes take time and money. Are you willing to put your wallet behind the taxes that will be needed to better fund our schools? Remember that both Scottsdale and PV have a higher tax base and when push comes to shove, curriculum changes, decent class sizes, better teacher pay to attract better teachers all take money. You can pay more and elect candidates that support the schools here, or you can move to another state where you will most definitely pay more.
ReplyDeleteYou make some good points...but let's get real. Until the state legislature gets the guts to enact some real legislation to move education forward rather than hiding behind the electorate expecting us to do their job, don't expect it to happen soon. The best you can hope for hard working PTOs, parents, donations and making sure our kids get into the best public or private schools we can get them into. PV has some excellent schools and not all of the problems or issues that we see with CCUSD. You have to wonder why 400 elementary age children that should be going to CCUSD elementary schools are now going to Grayhawk, Pinnacle Peak, Wildfire, and Copper Ridge (SUSD)...what is the link? I'll tell you, the community supports their schools, and their circulumn is very good. CCUSD could be one of the very best districts in the state but with all of the conflict and inability to support each other, it will never happen...and as a result parents will move or keep their kids in other districts. Can you blame them?
Dear 4:15p,
What the CCUSD community fails to recognize that is is one of the best school districts in the state. Start comparing it to some of the other adjacent school districts as a WHOLE. Not all elem. schools in PV, SUSD are excelling. Are you only going to compare the schools from PV & SUSD in N. Scottsdale and N. Phoenix? How about comparing apples with apples?
ReplyDeleteCore Knowledge is coming to Desert Sun. One of the new elem. principals, Ms. Gaines, is a leader in CK and will hopefully bring that cirriculum to that elem. as well. You have Spanish immersion at Desert Willow. And did you all forget that our high school graduating class received over $5.5M in scholarship funds? We have great PTOs, supportive parents etc. Now let's get out there and support our district like we should instead of spewing nastiness. Is it perfect? Of course not but since you do not see the inner workings at other districts you really have nothing to compare to unless you actually attended one of them and got involved.
"Of course not but since you do not see the inner workings at other districts you really have nothing to compare to unless you actually attended one of them and got involved."
ReplyDeleteThe most important inner workings of every school is revealed by the results on how it educates the children. CCUSD underperforms its neighboring schools.
BTW, comparing Cave Creek schools with south Scottsdale schools would be comparing apples to oranges.
I am very sad that Tacy Ashby left. You know she was run out by a member or two on the board (Clancy). She was thoughtful, inspiring, and truly cared about great education and the kids. Tacy, you will be missed very much. Best wishes to you! You have brought so much to CCUSD and as a parent, I am very grateful for your leadership and caring. I wish you didn't leave.
ReplyDeleteHow do you know that some of us don't know the inner workings of other districts...some of us do and what is distinct here is that if you are from outside the area, then as Mr. Ledesma stated at a meeting when the Board discussed Open Enrollment, close the doors - he wanted to close outsiders. The two districts to the South would love to have every single CCUSD student. I think some of these board members have the wrong message. CCUSD Watch says it's about the economy, stupid, well I agree but add it's also about the kids, stupid! Most importantly, our community should want the kids to have the best education period! And welcome everyone...this district will not survive if more people leave because they don't feel welcomed.
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