Thursday, March 11, 2010

Cave Creek Unified Quick Hits News for March 2010

  • Save Desert Arroyo Middle School Group at Facebook.
  • We declare Cactus Shadows Prep Academy dead for 2010-2011 as only 12 applications have been received to date.
  • Financial Feasibility calls for budget override.  We assume this is an extension of the current 10% override.
  • The Sonoran News rips the district on the $50,000 a month it spends on outstanding but unused bonds.  Claims district is in violation of IRS rules. Read it here.
  • Proposed legislation could direct the SFB to exclude Cave Creek Unified from the school construction bonds. It reads…
  • “bonds must first be given to school districts whose actual FY10 average daily membership (ADM) or projected FY11 ADM exceeds their district wide capacity for new school construction.”

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