Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Black Mountain PTO President: Cave Creek Unified Governing Board is holding us hostage

Lauren Rodriguez, the Black Mountain PTO co-president rips the district leadership, the governing board, and Casey Perkins over Desert Arroyo school closure process. From the Sonoran News:

So Be It.

This about sums it up for us.

How long does the CCUSD Governing Board intend to hold us hostage?

Why pretend any longer that CCUSD is exploring all options? Why pretend any longer that CCUSD is adhering to the rules? Obviously, Ms. Perkins’ Op/Ed makes clear that the District is doing neither. With her vote already cast, Ms. Perkins is signaling that the decision to close DAMS is already made and that the District is already moving on: moving on without giving credence to community input, moving on without exploring options that could keep the doors of DAMS open, such as merging Desert Sun, the school with the lowest enrollment in our District, with Horseshoe Trails, located just six miles away, moving on without doing a full forensic review of our books, temporarily cutting programs that can be brought back when our budget crisis subsides, moving on without a more thoughtful plan for a High School Prep Academy, because about a dozen or so students have submitted applications to attend a school that does not yet exist, moving on without eliminating all wasteful spending, no matter how small, so that we can continue down a path of inefficiency that will only lead to the closure of more CCUSD schools in upcoming years.

Kudos, Ms. Rodriguez.


  1. I'd like to see the dozen or so applications... are they even for real?

  2. According to the board packet online at for the meeting this Tuesday, there are over 40 applications now...I would love to know how many of those applications are for non current ccusd students. Also, the board did not give approval to the School Administration to go forward with the new Academy, they gave approval to research it. The board has not stopped this incompetent adminstration from acting like they have the approval. If they only put that much time into saving money and DAMS, this District might be worth saving. Debbie Burdick and her entire Administration staff has to go. They are only covering each others back end and not doing what is best for our kids. BOARD...let her go along with her entire Sr. Staff. They are not looking out for our kids best interest. Why won't Dr. Burdick recommend moving the vote by one day? Because she wants DAMS closed no matter what. Just answer Why that is Dr. Burdick. Don't hide behind board meetings where you don't answer any questions put to you.

  3. The administration could find money for this prep academy; they could find money for the Desert Sun K-8 core knowledge conversion; they could find money to keep special programing at the elementary schools but they couldn't come up with money to fix and maintain DAMS? C'mon board are you really buying this? You are either very naive or very inexperienced. Maybe Frison and Burdick have you in a trance. Beware CCUSD parents. If you think this is the end of the school closures...think again. This is an easy fix for Frison and if he knows he can get away with it he will use this formula again. Oh but thats okay as long as it's not your school, right?

  4. I hate to sound like a broken record, but I will. We need to stop this madness. This Adminstration (the entire group of them that sit at the Board meetings) and some of the chosen Board members are so busy covering each other's back side they are not doing what they are paid for or were elected to do. We are a small District, that is one of our great points. Stop trying to make us something we are not. Stop worrying about the very few parents that left for uniforms and start worrying about the parents that this district was built on. We as parents and voters have to not let them continue to get away with their double talk. I sat through several meetings with Dr. Burdick in the public forum format and she could not give detailed answers to very simple questions. WE need to make them answer the questions at the Board meetings. WE should be calling for a Board meeting format where they have to answer our questions. Dr. Burdick, Frison, Miller and Tussey should have to come with all the back up systems they have to research and give us (and the board members) the answers to our questions. Let's as a community hold them accountable. We should not have to put our children through this anymore. You are right, DAMS this year, maybe your South school next year?????


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