Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Cave Creek Unified CCUSD Governing Board calls for 15% override

According to a Facebook posting by LearnYes,org, the political action committee that supports more money for CCUSD schools, this evening the governing board approved a 15% override for the November ballot.



    Good luck with that one, Debbi.

  2. Good for the board, my answer will still be a no votex2 If they have enough money to complete the project at the high school without the funds held up by the goldwater folk then they probably have a fund for this 15 % too No no no no!!

  3. The funds to work on the school are being diverted from "soft capital" planned technology and textbook updates. The 15% override is to replace the 3% override that was not renewed, as well as a 10% M&O override that begins to reduce starting the 12/13 school year. Besides, funds for building and capital can't be used for maintenance and operations (M&O), which are the teachers. Funds for capital can't be moved to pay for teachers, which is why you might see grounds improvements but see fewer teachers on campus. This is state and federal law, so don't blame the district for that.

  4. 12:01 - Capital funds (i.e. building) and teacher funds are two separate funds.

    Instead of instantly jumping the gun on a decision on how to vote, why don't some of you educate yourself on what is in the override first? Seeking knowledge should be your first step in making a decision. To do otherwise, not only does the kids in the district a disservice, it also highlights your ignorance. Once you have information on the override, and are aware of what it will be used for, and what the needs are, you are then sufficiently educated to make a decision.

  5. May 25, 12:01pm do some homework the money for the high school work that is going on now is not the bond money. The "goldwater folk" are looking for another plaintiff (first one wasn't eligible to file the lawsuit in the first place). Check the CCUSD website for the press release. So please before you "no votex2" educate yourself.

  6. Less students = less funding = no override. Simple. Live within your means like the rest of us. Please take the time to talk to all your neighbors, friends and families and ask them to vote NO...NO...ON Override.

  7. I know the district well! You should get your head out of the sand! My question is not about where the funds are coming from but a statement as to the credibility of this district. I am an educated no voter and will be such until the district becomes transparent. Call me all the names you want my votes will be no because I don't trust the CCUSD administration or their board.

  8. I did not call you a name. I said that you were being ignorant by not studying the override. While you may think that you are not being ignorant by coming to a decision so quickly without any facts in front of you, the very definition of ignorant is to not have knowledge or facts. Since the ballot is not written yet, you do not have the knowledge of what is in it. Therefore, you have reached a conclusion without any decision making process. If you read my post again, you will find that I did not advocate whether you vote for or against the override - just that you give it FAIR consideration.

    I don't how well you think you know the district. The very nature of your decision making process (too quick before the facts are made available) speaks volumes.

  9. I despise the way the learnyes folks talk down to parents in the district. Example at 5/26 9:08 am -- "I did not call you a name. I said that you were being ignorant..." Oh, yes, big difference there. Among other things, the district closed DAMS with a hidden agenda, Desert Sun is not going to have a 7th grade class next year, if ever, our kids in elementary school, at the very least, don't have real text books or a library or librarian, our AIMS scores and labels (for whatever they are worth) all took a nose dive last year. And, this year we learn about a $1+ million budget carryover. Really, where was that money hiding last year when you closed DAMS? Under your mattress? Don't care where it comes from, don't care what it's earmarked for. I am smart. It's clear. This is all a big fat scam. Just tired of all the nonsense. Now the learnyes folks will pounce all over me like they know so much more, when ironically the thing that makes them feel so superior is really just their place in the back pocket of the district. CCUSD is the marionette to the learnyes puppet people. Whatever. I do want to see better funding of public education, unlike many people in this district, but I just don't trust this cast of clowns. Therefore, you can chalk up another "novotex2" from a family that has always voted "yes," until now.

  10. Speaks volumes of the frustration we feel from the district. When one has supported this district on all levels and is now a no voter I would not say I am the ignorant one. The district has made decisions that I do not support therefore I vote no. I am not alone

  11. People just don't realize that their cutting off their nose to spite their face when it comes to an override and jumping the gun on their decision. We have a premier district with excellent teachers and wonderful programs. We don't want to lose our teachers or programs. Our home values will suffer more if we don't have a premiere district with excellent teachers. When you say "live within your means" I believe CCUSD is for what they are offering our children. You can hate my post all you want. But you can believe my family and I will be out there educating the community about the importance of passing this override.

  12. The problems for this district arose when they decided to build, build, build despite the lack of funding for maintenance of the buildings they already had. And then instead of doing the prudent thing and setting aside money for a maintenance budget for each school to replace the money that was not being given to them by the state, they chose instead to believe that someday this money would somehow fall out of the sky or be found at the end of the rainbow.
    Now they have the audacity to ask for more money from the taxpayers who watched their money being squandered on new beautifully equipped schools that were not needed while their older schools just continued to get older until they started to fall apart. If CCUSD administration had been mindful of all of their constituents’ needs over the last few years they would not have so many folks who have already made up their minds to vote NO on this over-ride.
    Decide what you need...communicate what you need...ask for what you need. Stop trying to rob Peter to pay Paul. The shell games that CCUSD has been playing and continue to play are really getting old to anyone who has been here for a while.

  13. There was a different admin in 2000 when the bond was put through for the new schools. This is clearly an obscuration campaign by the anti-tax group - paint a picture of a corrupt regime paying for the bad decision they made in 2000 - to simply fool people into voting no. A very successful obscuration game to date since they even got a patsy to file a complaint through the Goldwater Institute claiming outrage over a broken contract, when she didn't even live within the district at that time.

    I do not look at ignorance as being a name (yes, I am that poster). It is a choice. You are choosing to be ignorant when you do not study an issue. You can label me from any org that you want, however, I did not tell you to vote for the issue. I simply told you that you were doing a disservice to the kids by not giving ample consideration to the override. I stand by that belief.

  14. To Ignorance (yes, I am this poster): We are not ignorant we are experienced and our no vote is as valid as your yes...Stop calling us ignorant because we don't see it your way. I feel completely valid in my opinion as I drive my children out of the district for their education!
    If you wish to change my views start by opening your eyes. The current board and administration has a long list of disappointed voters parents and community members who feel they have been lied to and cheated. Address our issues and you will begin to repair the damage, keep up the ignorance explanation and I'll stick with my no vote! You're not going to win me over by telling me I am ignorant. I am a no voter who has experienced all that CCUSD has to offer. Until I see some changes my vote is NO and from the looks of your last overrides I am not alone.

  15. 5:44 PM wrote:
    "We have a premier district with excellent teachers and wonderful programs. We don't want to lose our teachers or programs"

    We beg to differ. This district is premier no more. Surrounding schools are eating the district's lunch and similar sized districts are outperforming ours despite us having the 'best' demographics in the state.

    The newly minted strategic plan framework is a joke, the world languages plan is disjointed mess, and the district just selected a mediocre math curriculum strictly based on untested and unproven standards.

    So yes, get your head out of the sand and honestyly look what is happening. The district LOST its excelling labels, 30% of middle schoolers can't pass the AIMS math test, and the high school lost its national high school rank because of low advanced test participation.

    So while you think all is fine with little Johnny and little Jane because their report cards is all As, they read a million words, and they had so much fun doing their group projects and posting them on the internet, parents who want their children to truly succeed academically have found other options.

    So 5:44 PM, honest question for you. What leadership, programs, hiring practices and\or expectations does the district have in place to make sure that our teachers are “excellent teachers” as you wrote above? Why do YOU think that our teachers are more excellent that the teachers in PVUSD or SUSD or in any other school around?

  16. Watch the only response your questions dignify is if you were a parent in the district you wouldn't have to ask.

  17. The problems in this district arose when Debbi Burdick was first hired.

  18. @5/28 7:40AM wrote: "Watch the only response your questions dignify is if you were a parent in the district you wouldn't have to ask."

    Happy that based on your lacking response that you are satisfied with the status quo.

    Don't worry; your child will receive a fine education in CCUSD. Unfortunately it could be so much more, if only parents and board members would rise up and demand high expectations, rigor, and achievement in every action that this district takes.

  19. why are those loyal to the district administration so afraid of better opportunities, Other districts have programs that are blowing us out of the water, other districts maintain their buildings and pay their board certified teachers thousands of dollars more in salary for less experience. Other districts have technology programs implemented in the classroom with new computer labs, new ipads, pods, phones, engineering programs, tech certification . Other schools have bio tech programs with credits being accepted at thousands of schools including such schools as MIT. People we are not the enemy here, we see the future and recognize that we are not a part of it in the CCUSD District...Demand more for your money don't settle for less. If you are worried about your property values don't think for a minute that an override is going to save you...start comparing what the other districts have and you'll see what it is going to take to compete.

  20. Maybe this is why CCUSD can't provide the programs and technology that the districts surrounding can - these are tax rate comparisons for 2010-2011 (combined Primary and Secondary taxes)
    Deer Valley - $5.3353
    Peoria - $5.3293
    Paradise Valley - $4.9003
    Scottsdale - $3.7546
    Fountain Hills - $3.0223
    Cave Creek - $1.5818
    This info is posted on the CCUSD website under Budget. It breaks it down by primary and secondary rates in an easy to read graph.
    When I first moved here we chose to live in the Cave Creek District because it was an outstanding school district. People lied about where they lived to get their students into CCUSD. The community readily passed bonds for construction and overrides to keep CCUSD competitive. Then the Sonoran News emerged and bad-mouthed the district over and over and over and it became much harder to compete. We need to pass overrides in our district, because the State of Arizona has made it plain that education is not a priority. We live in an area that can easily afford to spend more on education, yet people will jump on any excuse not to do that.

  21. Thank you @June 5th, we have posted a reply here...



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