Wednesday, December 21, 2011

When has the Sonoran News lied about Cave Creek Unified?

The governing board recently did a self evaluation where they almost pulled imagea muscle patting themselves on the back.  Today’s Sonoran News points out that the unattributed comments  in this evaluation claim that the Sonoran News lies about the district.

We would love to hear from our readers.  When has the Sonoran News lied about Cave Creek Unified.

Our constructive criticism of the Sonoran News would be that they need to ask direct questions of the district leadership and get direct answers and let the readers know when those answers are not forthcoming.


  1. Seriously? Do they think that people keep an archive of the lies? Do they think that people will actually take the time to research this over the holidays? Would they even run any letters that they receive pointing out the deceptions?

    I think of SN as more in the business of deceptive practices than out and out lying. Recent examples are the story they ran on CCUSD "may" have broken the Do Not Call law. I find it hard to believe that they do not know there are political exceptions to Do Not Call. The purpose of the article was to confuse - they can't be labeled liars as they carefully used the word "may."

    Also, deceptive was running a picture of Sharon Sammartino of LearnYes and labeling as Lori Hart on more than one occasion. It is much easier to besmirch Lori Hart and Learn Yes if they run a picture purporting to be of Lori to back up their anti Lori Hart/anti Learn Yes story.

    I won't be researching all of the deception from over the years during the holidays, but there has been plenty of it. My examples above are just the two most recent that I have committed to memory.

  2. 1:07 PM. Same here. It doesn't pay to converse with a tyrant, especially one with an ever-opposing agenda and control of the press. Two biggies that come to mind are:

    1. Sorchych stated in his editorial that the O-ride was $15 million when it was only $4 million. Keep in mind PVUSD just passed an $180 million bond, plus a capital override for I can't remember how much... and their override is fully funded for the next several years. How's that for some perspective on how this community continually fails to support CCUSD (the #1 performing district in Maricopa County) ... voters decided not to continue providing the nickels when our neighbors are investing NEW dollars in their schools.

    2. SN printed several times during the election cycle that override funds would still be in place for years and that CCUSD has a habit of "asking for renewal too soon"... when reality is we have the biggest cuts coming next school year as a result of the 2011 override election loss.

    Now that CC proper is interested in seeking fire service as a legislated property tax... Sorchych came right out and stated "There is no greater evil than property tax." Well, since CCUSD is funded primarily by property tax, the schools must be the "greatest evil of all" in his book.

    Keep in mind he can probably only read a book as a result of public education at some point in his life... same goes for Bentley although neither knows the difference between "principle" and "principal." This is consternating for sure but each only had one vote in the election. This blood is on the hands of the community that votes. Should the community decide to believe the SN drivel, then so be it, we reap what we sow.

    Happy NEW year to all and to all, a GOOD night!

  3. Anonymous, December 30, 2011 @ 11:46pm, refers to Don Sorchych, in his Sonoran News editorial on October 28, 2011, writing about a $15 million M&O override, which Anonymous claims to be only $4+ million. Well, Don Sorchych may have erred on the low side in his total tax figure in this editorial since the total property tax levy during the proposed multiyear M&O override period would total an estimated $20-25 million.

    Anonymous also questions the Sonoran News as whether the M&O override is in place for the next several years. Anonymous is referred to the Informational Pamphlet, published in early 2007 by the County Superintendent of Schools (and approved by the CCUSD93 governing board) which states that the approved M&O override would be applicable through the 2013-14 school year.

    Anonymous alludes to the biggest cuts coming next school year as a result of the 2011 election loss. Yet, despite these "big" budget cuts, CCUSD projects a year-end M&O budget surplus/carry forward of $1.7 million in the 2012-3 school year (after an M&O surplus/carry forward of $1.17 million in the previous year). Anonymous is referred to the presentation by the Associate Superintendent of Operation and Finance to the CCUSD governing board on May 24, 2011 regarding budget updates.


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