Thursday, May 6, 2010

Are dissenting comments being censored at Cave Creek Unified School District Governing Board CCUSDGB.ORG?

You can view the video of the last Cave Creek Unified governing board meeting here...

Cave Creek Unified Governing Board Meeting 4/27/2010

While we appreciate the efforts of CCUSDGB.ORG, it appears that they did not post the video of a parent critical of the board and the administration. This parent also chides the governing board president for bad manners during her comments.

We hope that CCUSDGB.ORG corrects this oversight as it owes it to let the community view all sides of issues in our district.


  1. I seem to be the only person not ont he video. My initial comments were about 6th grade lack of information from my child's Principal. Yes, I did use her name. She is the Principal. I would never use a generic term of Principal, as I would not talk about another school's Principal. I can only talk to the experience I am having. Yes, after my statement on 6th grade I rolled in a couple other items. The Board started the meeting almost 20 minutes late because they moved the later executive session to earlier, so they could be done. I had my son's baseball game to attend. Sorry

  2. From what I read in Sandy's comments I have to wonder if her discussion points were excluded because they did not tie in directly with the topic of All day K. ?

    We can only hope- I would hate to think CCSOS is sitting in the editing room randomly cutting and dubbing board meeting video as they choose. It would certainly help if CCSOS chose to comment on its actions at some future time.

  3. Now you know why so many parents are pulling their kids out of DAMS... can you blame us? (yes, I am one of them)

  4. My initial part of my comments were about the lack of communication for the rollout of 6th grade which is the agenda item that I wrote on the comment time. I did bring up the "new" virtual academy. The problem is that they Board and Adminstration have different rules for different parents. If you question them, you get treated one way, if you don't and play the good soldier, they will answer the questions you pose during your three minutes or let you go longer than 3 minutes. How can you bring up a "new" idea at a board meeting and as an Adminstration expect the Board to vote on it. I have requested why it was not on to the Board and Dr. Burdick on 5/6/10 at 12:12pm and have not gotten a response yet.


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