Wednesday, April 16, 2008

CCUSD Watch is 'Contributing to the Problem'...

There was a new comment buried in an old post that needs highlighting…

It is nice that you all criticize the school board, administration and district as a whole. You are contributing to the problem rather than the solutions. If you care so much, how come you aren't either running for the Board or helping the district get the resources it needs. It's easy to be an arm chair quarterback....I have to say I applaud the Board for taking a stand and saving some of the key programs and positions. Only one board member did not support saving these programs...all of the others got it right. Now we need to get a capital override and bond to fix the buildings that are falling apart, new buses, and bring the district up. You can help! Be part of the solution!!!!!!!

Not really sure how shining a light in the dark recesses of Cave Creek Unified School District is ‘contributing to the problem’. If you are the one who is being exposed, you could say that unwanted exposure is a problem, but maybe the employees, students, parents, and community would think otherwise. The big take away from this post is that the poster is admitting there are problems.

Of all of the posts here, not one of the facts exposed here has been disputed. If we are in error or don’t have all the facts, please let us know. We have an open discussion policy here and will never censor any posts, anonymous or not.

We sincerely hope the poster replies and lets us know specifically how we are ‘contributing to the problem’. This is not our goal. Our goal and mission statement can be found on the top left side of this page.


  1. Because of coverage in the Sonoran News I just started following the blog. For the record, the moron that listed all the clichĂ©s about contributing to the problem, quarterbacking etc. I'd say that YOU, and others just like you, are the problem. Blind defense of ongoing failed policies and approaches is like being a tree stump – the dogs love ya, but you serve no other useful purpose.

    Since Ashby joined the ‘team’ the emphasis has been on building an empire and the structures. She also enjoyed beefing up the educationally non-productive administrative staff. The most progressive thing the current Board can do, in regard to a solution, would be to resign. A ‘new’ Board could add to the solutions by:
    - firing Ashby,asap;
    - bringing in an administrative leader, with feet grounded in education and common sense;
    - give up the fairy tale of a Super School (HS) and get serious about Super Teachers;
    - quit spending on administration and fluff and pay for quality teachers and quality programs.

    Those are just a few ideas; with so many concerned individuals, I suspect we might be able to generate many more that a credible Board could follow.

  2. Hi Moosieaz,

    We could not agree with you more. Thanks for the input.


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