Friday, April 11, 2008

I Call Shenanigans...

What is going on with Cave Creek School District 93 district is asinine. We just passed the budget override in May to save 10 teachers jobs, and now they are going to layoff 20 teachers (18 regular and 2 gifted) yet the only cuts to hit the administrative staff are 3 secretaries.

We will contact the CCEA to get an opinion on this.

Upcoming posts (honestly, no Aprils fools here)

  • The district pays $12,000 for an unscientific survey
  • Board must meet on a Sunday due to union deadline
  • Pollster says make nice with the media


  1. What kind of school district holds a board meeting on a Sunday night that lasts until midnight? The schools may be excelling but this district is failing in leadership from the board to the district office administrators to the administrators at the schools!

  2. "April 14, 2008 8:25 PM"

    Don't be fooled by the 'Excelling' label. Test scores are dropping and increasing class sizes is not going to help.


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