Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Is academic achievement actually becoming important at Cave Creek Unified School District

Holy Guacamole, Batman! Is academic achievement actually becoming important at Cave Creek Unified School District #93?

At the recent board meeting there was actual discussion of implementing a K-8 “Academy”. Assuming the new “academy” is a traditional school, with a superior curriculum, and stocked with experienced and rewarded teachers this is fantastic news. (Calling your school "Accelerated" does not make it so., especially when you use Connected Mathematics as your math program.)

Of course as with most government entities, this will likely take years. It looks like new committees are going to be formed, old committees resurrected, and a couple of bond/override elections tossed in for good measure. Siggghhhh. Nothing is easy.


  1. Don't believe it. This decision has nothing to do with academics. It's all about the money. Education is not a goal in CCUSD, students are never first, and it's never about people.

  2. We don't believe it yet and like we said, there is no proof that CCUSD could successfully implement it.

  3. The only thing important to CCUSD and its administrators is whether they're looking good with the community. It's all about public image and personal agendas. They could care less about what's going on with their staff and students.


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