Some have pointed out that comparing the trend for Grade 9 Math scores is unfair as these students would not have had the full Everyday Math curriculum. For your viewing please we present the past 7 years of SAT9/TerraNova Math scores for grades 2 through 9 without commentary.
These results are available via the Arizona Department of Education
Those scores are awful.
ReplyDeleteWhat I'd like to know from the parents that are saying that district cuts are not causing this district to go downhill(as in parents who are whining for no reason) is why then, did 8 employees (including 3 principals) QUIT after the budgets were announced? Does that not speak loud and clear to the fact that some of these folks are voting with their feet and getting out of this district? Have you read any of their resignation letters that talk about elitist administrators that are only out to serve themselves and have no interest in serving our kids? How Tacy Ashby resigned and then was rehired at a 13% paycut? 13%???? Considering how much she makes, that is NOTHING. If she truly cared about the students, then she would have taken a higher paycut to help save some of the programs and teachers that were let go. Are we, as parents, supposed to say, awww poor Tacy had to take a 13% cut? My gosh, she makes more than my husband and I combined and we together make 6 figures! This district is heading in the wrong direction. Cutting programs, cutting teachers and NEEDED staff at the schools is NOT what they need to do. Cut salaries of these head district officials. Teachers are paid CRAP so if the people who run this district are truly doing it because they believe in trying to give children the best education, then show it yourself by cutting your own salary to help save the staff that is NEEDED to teach the kids you are trying to help!
These math scores definitely show that something needs to be done to improve the education our kids are receiving at CCUSD. Yes, other activities are nice, but those activities do not help them with college entrance exams or taking college classes. You think a C is okay????
Off my high horse now....
A CCUSD Parent
Thanks for posting these math scores. I understand you think these math scores warrant a curriculum change away from Everyday Math.
ReplyDeleteAgain, I'd urge you to consider that the only kids who had EM from the start(Kinder) represented in this new chart are those in grades 4 and below.
Grade 2: No gain, but no loss either. That says a lot since you are talking about 7 year olds who have their first experience with standardized testing in 2nd grade. When I was 7 I was worried about playing..what were you doing at 7 to prove your achievement?
Grade 3: Gains from 64 in 2001 to 73 in 2007.
Grade 4: Gains from 71 to 76 in the same time period.
Could you pull the scores for the schools you've listed as well? I'd be curious to see how their curriculums are serving them over the same period of time.
The only data to me that shows true impact of EM in CCUSD is that of grades 2, 3, and 4. Every other grade level would be a reflection of prior curriculum use.
Don't get me wrong. If EM isn't working, I'd be open to seeing a new program. But I just don't see a lot of proof, based on district scores, to say it's not working for our kids who had it.
Again, what math curriculum do you support? How big will the gains need to be and how soon will they need to be accomplished for your group to say its successful?
What is Tacy Ashby's salary? I have searched for it unsuccessfully. I will not comment on it until I know the exact number and have a chance to compare and contast with other districts. We do not operate in a vacuum and I would expect it to be in line with neighboring districts.
ReplyDeleteDistrict cuts are absolutely causing problems in our district. The question is who really is at fault. I believe it is the state legislature who are failing to properly fund our programs. In their absence, our district must start to get some of their bonds and overrides passed. To do so, they need to make sure that election initiatives are kept clear and simple. Last years bonds were huge and surely some of the items in them could have been waited on. The district needs to prioritize its needs and act on them in baby steps.
I believe they are realizing this and only coming to us this fall with the K3 initiative. They are doing so because without it, we will have even less funding than we are eeking by with now. My kids are past k3, so I don't have to be concerned by this issue at a personal level. However, I am very concerned for my neighbors kids and will do what I can to help pass it.
Some of you take issue with doing due diligence research on why the bond initiative failed. However, this is not out of the ordinary school district practice. Research is a common component of post election practice by school districts. It is also common for school districts to commission research for other purposes (such as determining future student projections and future facility needs).
I agree with the last poster on Everyday Math. I know that there are many successful school districts using it and have seen the success with my own children. Give it a little more time, it is not an overnight success since it does build on its foundations year by year. It may look a little foreign, but it really does have its benefits if you can just look past its differences to how you were taught math as kids.
Correction to last post paragraph 2 to read Budget cuts (not district cuts).
One more thing. You still have not given us any sense of your composition. I am not asking for your identities. I only think it is fair that we know how many CCUSD parents, CCUSD teachers, CCUSD students, local businesspeople, local residents whose children do not attend our schools actually make up your group. For all we know, this could just be the clever tool of a local newsman who hates to pay taxes and seems to have a vendetta with the district.
ReplyDeleteI will not go away with this request. I will continue to post it until you respond in some way to it. I don't think it is fair for you to simply be that "masked man behind the curtain" whose legitimacy is just accepted without any burden of proof of your legitimacy.
June 9, 2008 9:38 a.m.:
ReplyDeletesalary schedules,, administrative divisions, human resources, salary schedules -
The link to the administrative salary schedule isn't working.
ReplyDeleteI also cannot find any link to a line item CCUSD budget on the CCUSD website. Do you know of one?
"Ashby was hired as superintendent in 2004 with a salary of $101,694. After only one year, her salary was increased during the 2005/2006 school year to $132,490 (that’s a 30 percent increase). In 2006/2007 she received a 2 percent raise. This information is readily available from the district’s annual reports filed with the Arizona Department of Education, which are posted on its Website."
ReplyDeleteThere you go for those that were asking. So, with the 2% raise she was making $135,190. Now, assuming she got the same 2% increase for the 2007/2008 school year, she would be making $137,890.
Take the 13% cut to that figure and she is now making approximately, $120,000. Considering teachers make a mere 1/4 of that and I think another cut is in order. Pricipals make approximately $60 - 80K depending on how long they have been there. The principal who quit at CSHS was making $87K but had been a principal for quite some time.
1) What is the specific link for the annual report - it is hard to locate if one isn't that familiar with that site?
ReplyDelete2) Does that salary include the cost of benefits or a performance bonus?
3) Why wouldn't a superintendent managing the number of employees that the CCUSD superintendent manages be entitled to significantly more pay than those employees?
4) Are we comparing apples to apples? For example, does Sid Bailey's pay include exactly the same things in it (i.e. bonuses, benefits) as Ashbys?
I am not on this board to defend Ashby's salary one way or another. But, I think that you are simply discounting it as too high because it is over 6 figures. I would like to be able to research it enough to determine whether it is truly largess or just shocking for Arizonans to contemplate (6 figures have been the norm for quite some time in the area of the country that I came from and nothing shocks me anymore).
Perhaps you'd be so kind as to post the scores, in the same format as you've posted CCUSD's, for Scottsdale, PV and DV?