Finally the district is using its collective brain and making a good decision by choosing to implement Core Knowledge at BMES. We all know that the BMES principal in a Core Knowledge expert.
This is good news. Hopefully this will lead to more of the Core Knowledge sequence finding its way into the Cave Creek Unified curriculum, state standards be damned.
We have heard rumors that this is payment for the BMES activists promising to be positive (or at least to keep their mouths shut) on the Desert Arroyo closing.
Too bad these decisions are driven by politics and not by doing what is best for the children.
The best decision the district could make is to become the first all Core Knowledge district in the state and let's hope that DSES and BMES quickly become official CK schools.
What a joke! BMES is so screwed up under the leadership of Elie Gaines. She may know Core Knowledge, but she is no leader! BMES has great teachers and that is what makes the difference for the kids...if Core Knowledge is so great, why isn't it adopted by every school in the US?
ReplyDeleteI know CCUSD loves Core Knowledge, I also know that BMES, under its previous leadership had some incredible programs and in-depth professional development that made them some of the best teachers around. It had an open, inviting atmosphere where parents were actively involved in all aspects of the school.
ReplyDeleteWhile Ms. Gaines may be a Core Knowledge expert, she is NOT an expert principal and her lack of leadership skills are going to make the school fail. Grayhawk parents and staff breathed a sigh of relief when she left.
I would say rather than payoff to keep vocal parents quiet it is a cowtow by teachers who want to have jobs next year.
They have been bludgeoned into going along, not led. Last year they were not allowed to discuss Core Knowledge and its approval or lack thereof in a group. When one teacher dared bring it up at a meeting before Ms. Gaines arrived, she was scolded in front of other teachers and told she could not raise anything for discussion with other teachers unless Ms. Gaines was there.
In fact, public scolding seems to be popular with Ms. Gaines including getting into a shouting match with a teacher in front of students (as reported by several students who were there) and she has done the same with parents.
Whether the Core knowledge documentation says it or not, it still comes down to the quality of teachers and quality of administrators at a school. Even if they are hand held and told everything they are supposed to teach when and what books to use and how to work inside the Core Knowledge box, it still takes good teachers and strong parental involvement to make a school shine.
Some of the good teachers are still there (for now), but the parental involvement is disappearing. The entire board from this year's PTO is stepping down and refusing to support any programs next year. Farewell to a once-strong school.
BTW, there have been NO parent surveys or PTO parent surveys regarding implementation of Core Knowledge at BMES. As most decisions are made there (and throughout the district this year), it was made with little community involvement and top down.
It is hard to believe this is payoff to keep parents quiet. The principal is already scolding those who try to raise any protest against the district. Step in line folks, lock step...don't question...we know what is best...and folks outside the district mean more than those who have been here and have been avid workers and longtime supporters.
These issues with Ms. Gaines have been presented to Dr.s Burdick and Miller with little or no response. So the exodus from BMES is their responsibility as well.
Now we become the folks other districts are looking for. Sayonara CCUSD!
Hello Pinnacle, Explorer, Foothills Academy, Bella Vista, Scottsdale Prep, Freedom Academy, Arizona School for the Arts, Chaparral, Cocopah, Desert Mountain, Copper Canyon (just a few of the schools folks have said they are transferring to) here we come!
We are taking our $5700 or $11,400 and in some cases $22,800 with us (since CCUSD is so worried about kids we'll now start referring to our children in their dollar value), but we're leaving our "no" votes behind.
So those who sit back and say "this doesn't affect me. My kids don't go to Desert Arroyo or BMES"...guess what! It does!
Poor management from CCUSD is leading to a mass exodus and the 100 students they lost last year will be a drop in the bucket. Good luck keeping any of your special programs and schools open when over $500,000 leaves the district this year.
Even if I thought Core Knowledge were the curricular answer we all are searching for, it would not be enough to keep my kids at BMES under its poor leadership and toxic environment.
RIP a once great school.