Thursday, April 1, 2010

These incidents speak volumes to the dearth of leadership in Cave Creek Unified

This is just getting sad.

Anyone think that the inexperience in leadership is contributing to this?  We do and the blame falls squarely on the board who claimed we didn't have the measly funds to even bother to look for a seasoned and experienced leader for our children.  This is the price we are now paying.


  1. I believe the leadership of the district and the schools has done nothing to encourage this type of behavior by students. On the contrary, they sincerely wish students would never do these things at school. As an employee at one of these schools, I see parents who want every other student strongly disciplined, but when it comes to their child it's a totally different story. This attitude makes the students feel that they can do anything and get away with it when mom and dad threaten to sue the school and/or the district if their child has a consequence.

  2. These incidents DO NOT speak volumes to the dearth of leadership in the district. Go to any middle school or high school in the country & you will find the same type of things going on. There are far more good things going on with the kids in this district than there are bad. It's a shame you choose to focus on the few bad things that happen.

  3. This is the first time I visited this board. Also the last. Your true colors are obvious. I sense that if you had your way, all public schools would be closed, no property taxes or public services for anyone. Whew, what whackos!

  4. I agree. Your comment about dearth of leadership was malicious and illogical. Drugs are an American problem, and our schools are filled with American kids. Look at what is happening in Mexico. America's addiction to drugs fuels the bloody drug wars down there. The problem with American thinking is that we are always trying to blame the wrong group for America's ills, and that is what you have done.


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