Friday, June 25, 2010

Cave Creek Unified Education Foundation not in good corporate standing

Apparently the Cave Creek Unified Education Foundation is not in good corporate standing for failure to file its first annual report with the Arizona Corporation Commission. Seems like a good metaphor for the district. Everyone wants to succeed for the children, but no one wants to do the work necessary.


  1. What work are you doing for the children of the district? Who are you to criticize everybody that tries to do some good? Don't you realize that the people involved with the education foundation do this out of the goodness of their hearts, unpaid, and on top of their own personal responsibilities.

    Much easier to be a critical anonymous blogger. Step up to the plate and let everybody dish at you the way you dish at them. I doubt you are as perfect as you expect every volunteer for this district to be.

  2. At least for this year the Cave Creek Foundation was a failure. I was in one of those meetings at the beginning of the year when the Foundation told us of all of their grand plans. None of it was realized. Our parents never heard a peep from them either asking for our help or our input, outside of the sparsely attended Arts Nights.


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