Monday, October 11, 2010

Concerned Parents in CCUSD counter Cave Creek Unified Governing Board member

We can assure you that this email does not belong to CCUSD Watch.

We do agree that all of this politicking by the triumvirate, the administration, the principals, and other district advocacy groups needs to stop. The credibility of this sewing circle continues to plunge when they get caught politicking to civic groups, host sham 'education forums' with only candidates they support, or send emails LIKE THE ONE BELOW (assuming it is authentic, we have not verified it).

It really shows that they are out for each other and that they have only passing concerns for the students, achievement, or the community.

From: Concerned Parent []

Sent: Monday, October 11, 2010 6:46 PM
To: Redacted
Subject: Please Vote...
Dear Fellow Cave Creek Parents, Teachers, and other interested parties,

We are writing this letter today in support of Susan Clancy for School Board in Cave Creek Unified School District. We were suprised to see David Schaefer, as a Board member, sending out a mass email asking us to vote for his choice of candidates in order to have a more unified school board. The CCUSD Board is too unified behind the questionable decisions of the Superintendent as it is. This shows an appalling lack of judgment on his part and a gives clear reason for voting for the candidate not supported by Mr. Schaeffer.

Here are the reasons we are choosing to vote for Susan Clancy. We request that you thoughtfully consider the same:

1. At every meeting we have attended, it has been Susan Clancy, and only Susan Clancy, asking the district questions, asking for accountability, asking for information, asking that the district and our board do due diligence by having all the facts and figures on the table in open public view prior to making decisions.

2. In person, Susan has been an open and inviting member of the Board, willing to listen and dialogue regarding important issues. In these discussions, it is clear the priority for Susan is our kids.

3. We have been disappointed in other board members who have asked NO questions of the district administration when important decisions are being made that affect the students, teachers, and families in the district on a daily basis. Why aren't they doing their jobs? Now Mr. Schaeffer is actively trying to vote out the one member who seeks to represent our voices, asking the tough questions we should be asking. Why is that?

4. The current administration needs assistance in representing the families in the district. Last year's sad process and decision of closing Desert Arroyo is a great example. Much public upset was created by the overwhelming appearance of favoritism, the use of questionable or incomplete budget figures being thrown around, and the impression that the results were in the bag well before the final vote. The Superintendent met with parents from Desert Arroyo and stated that the number of honors classes and other offerings would be greater in one middle school. Sorry to say, that hasn't materialized at Sonoran Trails Middle School (Where is honors science and social studies?). Where is the Board now? Where is the follow through? The Superintendent and Board claimed that closing DAMS would save money because of all the needed repairs? Why is money being spent to redo the gymnasium floor at DAMS now?

5. The administration's premature and ill conceived notion of a charter school at CSHS is another good example. Without any input from in-district parents, the district sought to tell us what we want for our students. Their creative thinking went as far as small classes and uniforms. Not even close CCUSD administrators. You missed the boat, wasted time and money, upset children and families, and came away with no option again. In the meantime, you are allowing a middle school history teacher to place pictures postcards of Joseph Stalin in the front of the class (while studying the formation of the United States) and call out jokes about "Lenin-ade" and tell our children that the Declaration of Independence was simply put a "propaganda piece." How about we start with teaching subject matter and not political agendas? It's the content, not the "window dressing," we want.

6. Susan Clancy has served on the Board and does a remarkable job speaking up and asking the tough questions. We need more members like Susan Clancy, not less. Anyone who says we need a "united" Board to function smoothly can only believe in a "top down, heavy handed, approach." We for one believe the more discussion the better. The more light the better. To be uncomfortable answering well thought important questions about issues affecting our students on a daily basis, does not speak well of the administration nor the other Board members who are complacent to nod and vote yes without seeking a full understanding of the issues and implications.

Please vote for Susan Clancy for our children! Show that we expect representation and accountability.

Thank you for your time and consideration,

Concerned parents in CCUSD.

-----Original Message-----

From: David Schaefer


Sent: Sun, Oct 10, 2010 7:32 pm



Early Ballots have arrived. Please vote for Stephanie Reese and Kari Workman. They are 100% for all students, teachers, and support needed resources in the classroom.

Both REESE and WORKMAN have been endorsed by the Cave Creek Education Association (Teachers)!

Voting for REESE and WORKMAN will create a more constructive and functional governing board.

REESE has years of experience on the Cave Creek Board as well as PTO President of Desert Sun (she started the Desert Sun PTO). Her children attended Desert Arroyo and graduated from Cactus Shadows

WORKMAN is a parent, a former teacher and holds degrees in education and educational leadership. She knows the needs of teachers and would nicely complement the skills already present on our board.


Thank you,

David S. Schaefer


  1. Score 1 Concerned Parents, 0 Schaefer

    Schaefer is tone deaf. He sent his plea for people to vote for Reese/Workman to a list of north campus parents, including many, many who strongly protested the closing of DAMS he was so supportive of for the past two years.

    Not a smart move. What did he expect to happen?

    Now all of the district's "cleaners" will come in to try to make this seem like the "concerned parents" are the bad people. Not in my book.

  2. At least one person who received the Schaefer email received it at a work email address ONLY provided to schools for emergency reasons. It isn't one they ever use personally....Interesting...

  3. Is anyone wondering how David Schaefer got their personal email address in his accounting offices address book?

  4. Did the one person who received the email trace the link at the top to make sure that it actually came from Schaefer? It is quite possible that it was given by Schaefer to his contacts throughout the district who then sent the email (making it look as though it came from him without it).

    No offense, but without knowing who you are, I would still trust the teachers over you. You can be concerned parents, you could even be CCUSD parents, but that doesn't mean that you aren't part of a group that feels wronged (i.e. former DAMS parents) who aren't allowing personal feelings into your decision.

    I know that some say that the teachers privately tell them that the district pressures them to say certain things. If so, those teachers will probably say the same thing to any parent that asks them for their opinion and will then endorse Clancy privately. However, I suspect the vast majority of teachers do not feel "pressured" and will honestly endorse against Clancy.

    Another suggestion - read through the past history of minutes of the board, not just last years but prior years (i.e. 2008). Are you really sure that Susan Clancy is who you want on your board?

  5. WOW, I have to say this District and Board continue to amaze me. I am so glad that I will make 1 vote only in November. Not only have they lost my child, but they have lost my Yes vote (which I have always done up until this point). Very sad day for Cave Creek area.

  6. I hear David Schaefer thinks his email was hijacked. Hi David (I know you are out there) when you put everyone's email address on there it is not hijacking. If anything, everyone who's email address that was shared with everyone else, should be ticked off at you. HELLO!

  7. The message from Schaeffer was not a personal note to close friends and family, it was an email blast sent to over 200 recipients.

    Is he actually claiming that his email was broken into and some one else sent it? Someone needs to print that.

  8. 5:21 a.m. Ms. Clancy was one the teachers and principals have supported in the past. When I thought she was in the pocket of Sonoran News and was frustrated with her, these folks told me "she really has the best interest of teachers, principals and parents in mind." They said "we have always found her to be fair."

    Now, we are being told that all the teachers just switched and no longer support her.

    I trust the teachers over YOU and when the ones I speak with are telling me they are miserable and are searching the employment listings daily at PV and Scottsdale just waiting for a chance to GET OUT, then I listen. When these are some of the BEST teachers at a school I am so very sad. When the most active volunteers and teachers at the school tell me they no longer even want to walk on that campus...that is so sad.

    Of course maybe all the teachers down south are happy...some of them have great principals and job security since it seems those schools are the favored in the district. I would expect there are some at STMS who are not happy because though parents were promised a combination of the schools it is clear that it was just a moving of DAMS down there. There are students there saddened that all the DAMS teachers they were hoping to have are gone.

    However, since this district is filled with people who have myopic views who think every one's experience is the same as theirs or the people raising concerns are just "sad because their school closed" or's pathetic. It's time there was some credence given to those who have some valid concerns.

    Ms. Workman, when approached as she campaigned in a public place and asked about some of the issues facing particularly the parents in the north, she knew nothing. She seemed to have no idea that Dr. Burdick's contract (which is heavily based on performance by test scores) was renewed the DAY BEFORE test scores were unembargoed when she KNEW they would not be good. She was unaware of the concerns at BMES, she was unaware of the favoritism in funds, etc. down south. She was unaware of a LOT of concerns about CCUSD and was asked why she thought she was qualified to be on the school board if she was not aware of these issues.

    She had some response about "caring for students, families, etc." It's all nice platitudes, but when you really have no idea what is going on, it's a little thin.

    BTW, Mr. Schaefer admitted the email came from him. Also...very worrying if the district folk "shared" their addresses if the addresses are ones that were provided TO THE SCHOOLS. They are not to share those to the public--especially for political gain.

  9. This is not Schaeffer.

    What email address is the schaeffer email coming from? (I did not get one, but will see if it is really even one of his email addresses).

    Also, isn't there an IT person out there. If so, can someone send them the email. I thought there was a way to trace the path on the email to see if it actually came from the sender that claimed to send it.

  10. David already admitted in another mass email that it was sent by him offering his apologies.

  11. Both the original and the apology came from Member Schaefer's email address. I have absolutely no doubts of the authenticity of these letters. I am sure he would confirm this if contacted. I am also sure he'll think twice about engaging this group again. As a political strategy I'm convinced of one thing only, M. Schaefer should stay out of politics. Unless of course this was just a ploy of his to endorse M. Clancy. In which case he's a genius. If there was ever hope that old wounds were beginning to heal he single handedly put a stop to that. Why does this administration and board have such a fear of M. Clancy? She obviously has support in the community and has become a favorite of anyone with a grievance in CCUSD. Maybe the district should ask "Why?" instead of trying to run her off of the board. If the administration was just as busy addressing the concerns of it's stakeholders this election could have provided our community some unity instead of more of the same all over the place complaining. Parents north and south have a lot of the same complaints. We all want to support our schools and foremost our teachers and classrooms, but where are we headed? What is going to happen in the next round of budget cuts? Which programs can we really count on next year or the year after? I wish the administration would take a turn from the high road, admit a few of their own missteps, tell us what the heck gives with all of these new programs, who's paying for what, how they are paying, why they are paying, who's paying next year and let us all move on. I am sorry to say this but the Future Falcon t'shirts giveaway isn't going to be enough to keep everyone in the district. We can't commit to tried and true excelling programs, but we can continue to add to the burden of the budget with new programs. I admire and respect my children's teachers. I have in the past been amazed at their school communities. I want both of those things to experience some stability in my children's public school lifetime. Are we just going to see programs come and go as the PTOs, grants, and gifts come and go? This is straining teachers and classrooms. I will try as the administration wants me to do and be positive and proactive for the benefit of my kids, but I'm not willing to close my eyes completely to do it. I am a parent who doesn't have a choice to change schools so I'll except only the best CCUSD has to offer. I'll do that advocating for my own children and disagreeing with whoever to get there. I'll make no apologies for that, even if those with their rose-colored glasses continue to admonish me to stop picking on the district. I am ready to support our district administration and board anytime they stop treating me like a nuisance. I am willing to admit when I make a mistake and willing to agree to disagree to get the job done. Until CCUSD will do the same at least we'll have one board member willing to question the what's and why's of the goings on in the district. I believe the board should be concentrating their efforts on what our district is going to look like in the years to come for our students and teachers not on who they have to sit next to get us there. Member Schaefer's message should have been for all of us to be sure to vote. Get your neighbors, families, friends whoever it might be that has a stake in our schools to care, educate and go vote. Regardless of who they are voting for wouldn't it be a positive thing to have record numbers at the polls. To know that the people in our school community still cared enough and weren't just tuning out and turning away.

  12. The e-mails are real, I have copies with all the e-mail addresses Schaefer sent it to. He didn't even bother to blind copy anyone. The response e-mail is also for real. I have a copy of that one as well.

    To pimp for candidates that Schaefer thinks will unquestionably "go with the flow" is nothing short of despicable. Schaefer should be voted out or recalled at the earliest possible opportunity.

    The board needs to be comprised of people with backbone that will rid the district of Burdick, which will end the astronomical turnover rate at the district.

  13. What astronomical turnover rate other than Principal departures several years ago and layoffs? Which school? That statement is without a doubt not true of the schools that I am familiar with.

    Also, many of the Principals cited board micromanagement at the time of departure. Specifically, if I remember correctly, two members of the board (one who later resigned and one who is up for reelection) were often raised as causing the problems.

  14. One thing is for sure about Schaefer's actions...they were inappropriate and there should be an investigation. If he was acting as a board member he violated the open meeting laws and if he was acting as a citizen, he used school property(email addresses) for personal gain. regardless of who you are voting for We should expect more from our Board Members

  15. Isn't it great to have yet another anonymous group in town that can claim fear of retribution so it can function essentially as a PAC and make a political endorsement of a candidate in the local rag, without having to actually declare PAC status?

  16. I am not sure who you are referencing 5:20 am please clarify why you think this is a PAC and not just a community that happens to share a viewpoint. I don't think any of us have sent unsolicited emails encouraging a vote for Reese/Workman. I know I have not abused my privilege as a board member by copying school property into my personal/business address. If you are wondering why some would be concerned with their children's welfare...please note that the above mentioned behavior was far from acceptable and would cause most to be concerned with what actions district/board members would take to further their agendas let alone retaliate after being scorned.

  17. I would like the name of the middle school the "so called" history teacher that promotes stalin in the classroom,and hates the foundation of The United States.

  18. october 22, 2010 at 6;36pm, if you are a board member why would you show as "anonymous"? Just wondering. had a long post all typed up, but really...just don't care anymore. The havoc is costing all of us, our home values and our kids period.

  19. That last post makes no sense. I don't even understand the point that this illiterate is trying to make.

  20. Ellie Gaines principal at Black Mountain has her car decorated supporting Reese/Workman...This is odd and maybe in violation of campaign regulations. Ellie Gaines does not live in the district, cannot vote for these candidates herself, and her vehicle is parked on SCHOOL PROPERTY...Do Any other candidates for school board have advertisements on School Property?

    I really think the district has pushed the envelope this year concerning the elections and hope the state holds them accountable!

  21. 12:41 AM,

    Is this allowed? Yes, by AG guidelines

    Is this classy and professional? No

  22. I can't imagine working for/under someone like her. Poor teachers, I hope all their votes are swayed elsewhere in defiance of her

  23. Elie is so out of touch that if you asked her anything about Reese/Workman she wouldn't have a clue. It's also too bad that she is so out of touch with her own school that she is snubbing the only candidate with ties to it. Susan Clancy has grand kids who attend BMES and she voted to keep DAMS open. But,Elie didn't care if DAMS closed. Closing DAMS was okay with her. She never supported her parents who were trying to keep DAMS open. Elie's allegiance is to Jenna Miller and Deb Burdick and not to the BMES students, families or teachers.

  24. I think that it is appropriate and professional for Elie Gaines to be supporting candidates that she feels are best for the schools. And, yes, she is within AG guidelines.

    The mission of the law that keeps school districts from advertising/pushing candidates is to keep school resources (i.e. taxpayer money) from funding specific candidates. As individuals, Principals have every right to support candidates. Anything otherwise is in clear violation of their first amendment rights.

    Some of you may have some relevant issues with Elie Gaines. However, that does not mean she is wrong in her actions in this case.

  25. I think you all need to get a life (all the venom on this blog, your home-life must stink) and move on if you haven't already. If you haven't moved on, maybe you should so you won't be so miserable.

  26. Anonymous 7:43. Well said, the majority of the people that spew their venom on this site need to grow up. They all see the cup as half empty. Perhaps they need a good public education themselves.

  27. What I love is Nov 1st at 7;43pm how you hide behind Anonymous...with such a steady opinion, you think you would post under your name??? I do not hold anything against you and believe your opinion should be heard. Just not beating down others...

  28. Really Oct. 31st at 7:40am, is that the best you can do???? Really...

  29. Well it looks like dirty politics don't work in this town...Congratulations to Susan Clancy!

  30. Why is it considered venom? Why do you think I/we need an education? Please tell us what we have to be proud of? I started the thread posting our High Schools IB program, I also cheered for Ms Hatch and the heritage program, I gave kudos to Ms Befort and her Disney project...what have you posted other than nasty comments about our legitimate concerns...

  31. Congratulations Susan Clancy and students and parents of CCUSD!

  32. Nov 2, 7:50PM - The post I referred to was meant to be October 30 at 10:37AM (not the previous post as I mentioned - took the Watch a while to post what I wrote). I find October 10:37AM completely unintelligible. Perhaps you can make sense of it for me.

    October 31 7:40AM

  33. Congratulations to Ms. Reese and Ms. Clancy. I do not think that Ms. Clancy's re-election is a victory for CCUSD students, but I congratulate her anyway.

  34. 7:13 Ms Clancy has served her community and has given a voice to our concerns...As a parent of a CCUSD student I am grateful for her presence

  35. I think it is time we stop being afraid of alternative views. For me, when I hear that those of us in the north who are upset are just "whiny parents" who "do not understand there are financial issues" it becomes clear that rather than trying to listen, work with us and move forward, we are being marginalized so our voice does not matter.

    When you couple the closure with what is happening at BMES there is a very strong sense up here that north parent voices do not matter at all.

    So...since my voice is unimportant because I've already been marginalized and put into a box, there is no reason to make continued efforts to "raise concerns to the board/superintendent". It is clear that our concerns are unimportant (as it is clear that some on this board clearly feel the same way).

    I know folk with over 200 email back and forth with superintendent on educational issues that were never solved ... where concerns were raised and the response was "I was not aware there were any issues" or "I don't see any problems here". they move forward. Luckily there is at least one person on the board to serve as devil's advocate and hopefully ask them to look at some issues in another way. Perhaps they will have fewer "unintended consequences" of their actions because they will be aware of potential landmines.

    However, if the current trend continues what will really happen is that Ms. Clancy will continue to be marginalized, eyes will roll and the rest of the board will spend way too much time in private sessions trying to figure out how to "control" their rogue member.

    I'm not sure Dr. Burdick or Mr. Obamma got the hint last night.

  36. Well said November3 12:38pm...Deb Burdick and the three Bobble heads on the board would have to be listening in order to hear.

    Hopefully their lalalalla I can't hear you strategy wont continue to be tolerated.

  37. 11/3 at 8:00am you must be one of the parents that Clancy so eloquently referred to as having at least an "8th grade education" at one of the board meetings. Don't remember which one but you can check the minutes. She's a joke.

  38. Oh my 9:27 pm so vicious...don't worry you have three no four bobble heads on the board to represent your views...I would guess you are happy with the current state of CCUSD's accomplishments.

    8th grade education...better than what you are getting here from CCUSD.

  39. Here is a link to an article that may explain why people have trouble taking this blog seriously. Tone down the rhetoric (i.e. the name calling, labeling, and inflammatory tone) people and Watch. It regards politics, but is very applicable here:


Anyone can comment but profane or defamatory comments will be removed.