Saturday, October 2, 2010

More: Differentiated Instruction is a Pedagogic Fad that Cave Creek Unified CCUSD Should Avoid

As we have stated, Differentiated Instruction is a fad, difficult to implement, and above all non-sense.  If you missed it be sure you can read it here. 

CCUSD strategies for improving achievement and why differentiated instruction will not work

Be sure to also check out the comments.  A few days ago, posted at Education Week, is a commentary saying some of the same things we said.

When Pedagogic Fads Trump Priorities

First, there is absolutely no evidence that it is effective...

As Bryan Goodwin of Mid-continent Research for Education and Learning, or MCREL, has written, there is "no empirical research" whatsoever for schools to adopt DI if they wish to avail themselves of the best ways to promote learning or close achievement gaps.

and in fact it can be harmful to learning.

In these ways, Differentiated Instruction, or DI, corrupted both curriculum and effective instruction. With so many groups to teach, instructors found it almost impossible to provide sustained, properly executed lessons for every child or group-and in a single class period. It profoundly impeded the teacher's ability to incorporate those protean, decades-old elements of a good lesson which have a titanic impact on learning, even in mixed-ability classrooms.

This article even dismantles the second prong (21st Century Skills) of the newly minted "CCUSD 2010-2011 Goals" by stating:

Of course, Differentiated Instruction is only one among many prominent detours American education has taken, none more pernicious than the chop-logic and excesses of what is now being advocated in the name of "21st-century education" or the simplistic requirement for teachers to mindlessly "incorporate technology" into their lessons-as though that will rescue poor instructional plans from failure.

This is more proof of the inexperience of the leadership in our district.  It seems they believe that grabbing on to these fads makes them safe because everyone else is doing it.  Our leaders need to stop getting their information from Ed-Schools,  listservs, and neighboring districts.  They need to do some solid research to understand strategies that will will actually work in increasing achievement.  They could start by heeding the advice in this article and by visiting and understanding effective charter schools in the area.

But do not forget the blame lies with the school board triumvirate that put this leadership in place without due diligence and has supported stability over achievement despite all the evidence staring them in the face.

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