Monday, November 1, 2010

CCU Education Foundation Financials for 2009

Not really much going on with the Cave Creek Unified School District Foundation, officially called CCU Education Foundation. For 2009 their financials were:

Income: $8033
Expenses: $3100
Grants: $0

(see the full financials below)

No big deal, we know they have been MIA and this shows it. What is disconcerting is that they tout a different board of directors than the one that they list with the IRS and the Arizona Corporation Commission. Shadow conspiracy or laziness and ineptitude?  Either way, not the way to run an organization that is begging for donations via the United Way.


1 comment:

  1. Went to vote at the Tatum Ranch HOA and they had the sign out for voting regulations only 25 ft from the front door ( I thought it was 75 ft )according to Arizona Statue. Of course, there was a Reese/Workman supporter with their sign? When pointed out to the officials, they told me the rule was 25 ft from the door. I found this online. Does anyone know for sure.

    16-515. "Seventy-five foot limit" notices; posting; violation; classification

    A. Except as prescribed in this section and section 16-580, a person shall not be allowed to remain inside the seventy-five foot limit while the polls are open, except for the purpose of voting, and except the election officials, one representative at any one time of each political party represented on the ballot who has been appointed by the county chairman of that political party and the challengers allowed by law, and no political or electioneering materials may be displayed within the seventy-five foot limit. Voters having cast their ballots shall promptly move outside the seventy-five foot limit.

    B. The board of supervisors shall furnish, with the ballots for each polling place, three notices, printed in letters not less than two inches high, with the heading: "Seventy-five foot limit" and underneath that heading the following:

    No person shall be allowed to remain inside these limits while the polls are open, except for the purpose of voting, and except the election officials, one representative at any one time of each political party represented on the ballot who has been appointed by the county chairman of such political party, and the challengers allowed by law. Voters having cast their ballots shall at once retire without the seventy-five foot limit. A person violating any provision of this notice is guilty of a class 2 misdemeanor.

    C. A minor voting in a simulated election at a polling place is subject to the same seventy-five foot limit restrictions prescribed for a voter. Persons supervising or working in a simulated election in which minors vote may remain within the seventy-five foot limit of the polling place. The inspector for the polling place shall exercise authority over all election and simulated election related activities at the polling place.

    D. For an election that is held by an Indian tribe and that is held at a polling place at the same time and on the same date as any other election, the following apply:

    1. A person who is voting is subject to the same seventy-five foot limit restrictions prescribed for other voters.

    2. An election official for the tribal election may remain within the seventy-five foot limit for the polling place.

    E. With the permission of the voter, a minor may enter and remain within the seventy-five foot limit in order to accompany a voter into a polling place, an on-site early voting facility and a voting booth while the voter is voting.

    F. Any person violating this section is guilty of a class 2 misdemeanor.


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