Friday, July 11, 2008

Governing Board Candidate Questionnaire for Cave Creek Unified Schools

We are assembling questions for a Governing Board Candidate Questionnaire. We will contact each candidate, ask them to reply to the questionnaire, and we will post the answers unedited for all to read and assess.

We would like to solicit questions from you the readers. Just reply to this post and we will assembly them into a questionnaire. We will post the questionnaire for all to see and comment on. Then we will do the leg work to try and get answers from all the candidates.

To get you started...

  • What do you believe are the governing board’s responsibilities?
  • What do you believe are the major challenges that the district faces?
  • How will you work as a board member to improve academic achievement in the district or do you feel that the schools already perform adequately?

Keep watching here at the county for nightly updates. It appears that candidates listed here have collected their signatures and will appear on the ballot, not just pulled packets.

Candidate Information


  1. Why do you want to serve on the CCUSD board and how do you think you can improve the district?

    Do you have any school aged children? If so, are they enrolled in CCUSD schools?

    Many lacking experience in education seek to impact curriculum decisions in CCUSD. How would you, as a school board member, ensure that school-based educators’ voices are heard in decisions that impact their work with students?

    What ideas do you have that will effectively increase the operating budget for CCUSD that will allow additional funding for technology, staff development, capital improvements, and curriculum reinforcement?

    If you see behavior in other board members that has a negative impact on CCUSD, what would be your plan of action?

  2. Who is your ethical responsibility to, your constituency or the students?

  3. This blog has moved to

    and is now part of

    Tatum Central

    Please continue the discussion there.

  4. This blog has moved to

    and is now part of

    Tatum Central

    Please continue the discussion there.


Anyone can comment but profane or defamatory comments will be removed.