Monday, November 2, 2009

Cave Creek Unified Students Deserve Your Vote

Cave Creek Unified Students Deserve Your Vote

We have made our disagreements with the Cave Creek Unified School District crystal clear and we will not rehash them here. This post is about the K-3 override and tomorrow’s vote.

The K-3 override is one of the primary ways that our community can support our local schools. Overrides have the biggest and most direct impact on the classroom, and with property tax deductibility, it only costs us 70 cents (or less) on the dollar out of pocket.

This override isn’t about new buildings or laptops or swimming pools, this is about the classroom. This K-3 money goes directly to support the students and our wonderful teachers. With a 2010 $2 billion dollar state budget gap still not resolved, and a looming $3 billion shortfall next year, the cuts are going to be hard and deep. With the passage of this override, there will be no excuse for the district to make cuts that affect our youngest students.

We need to support our schools and make them stronger.

We currently operate with a K-3 override and a maintenance override in place. The blind boosters point to all of the recent bond and override defeats as proof of the lack of community support for the schools, but the community has stepped up and shown its support for getting the dollars to the classroom. There is no reason this should not continue.

Don’t set back the cause based on your hatred of past administrative decisions. They will still get paid, still get their car allowances, still get their free health insurance, and they will still get their pensions at retirement, but our children typically only have one shot at kindergarten, one shot at first grade, one shot at second grade, etc.

We need to build for a future of improved of academic distinction for all of the children in the Cave Creek Unified district. A failure tomorrow will only give them more cause to continue the stagnation and inertia of lowered expectations.

Please support our Cave Creek Unified students tomorrow at the polls.

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