Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Is the K-3 money making a difference?

Learn Yes posts that it finds that Cave Creek Unified test scores have risen since the inception of the K-3 override. They present rising AIMS test scores. As we and every educator in the state knows, AIMS comparisons for year over year data is worthless due to all the muddling that the state does with the questions, scores, and raw score ranges.

A better gauge is the Nationally Norm Referenced Scores, called TerraNova/SAT9. These scores for 2nd and 3rd grade can be seen here.

Nationally Norm Referenced Test Scores - Grades 2 and 3

As one can see scores have been stagnate to lower for 4 of 6 groups tests. This doesn't mean don't support the K-3 override, it just means there is work to do despite the constant claims of Excelling, A+, Exceeding, etc...

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