There is a post yesterday that we want to bring forward…
Dear CCUSD Watch,
I truly believe that you care about the kids, but let's display a little maturity here...
Sorry you did not appreciate our satire. You must not enjoy The Daily Show.
It's evident that you don't like Tacy Ashby. What has she done that has been so bad?
We have no dislike for Dr. Ashby. We just choose her letter to use as a foil for our commentary on the absurdities that take place in the district.
History shows that this district runs off HS principals and superintendents like no other...
That is why is it crucial to get a solid curriculum in place. An outstanding curriculum can survive childish board members, teacher turnover, and flighty superintendents.
why would that be? No one good enough or because we are small...they are easy prey.
Not sure, we have never preyed on any one.
Let's re-evaluate our motives and work towards something productive.
You must have enjoyed our Solutions and Growing Smart, Getting Smarter.
If you don't like the board, vote them out or recall them.
We plan on supporting candidates this fall who want to end the infighting, improve academic achievement, and will focus on high expectations, not ANCHORS, HUGS, or Super High Schools.
All I see is bad writing about this woman and yet the schools are excelling and some A+ and they were not all that way prior to her arriving at she has done something right.
Do you think the current level of academic achievement is appropriate for this district? As we have said 'Excelling' based on the most basic of state standards is not the bar to be reaching for.
I think we need to use our time more productively and focus on the kids and getting the resources needed for our schools. Don't you agree?
Our focus is on the academic achievement of the children. The district's focus is on building buildings and political posturing. Speaking of resources, apparently the district has such a plethora of resources that it can afford to soon have three employees and one assistant managing the curriculum alone. Didn’t we just lay off teachers and increase class sizes?
3 employees?
ReplyDeleteI am not an employee of the district, but even I have heard the rumor that Nancy Shaver is going back to being a Principal at one of the elementary schools.
"...apparently the district has such a plethora of resources that it can afford to soon have three employees and one assistant managing the curriculum alone..." And the spin begins. Here we go again falling into the vortex of the rumor mill. Three employees managing curriculum, elementary and secondary, that's two. One assistant to help them, doesn't seem unreasonable. The assistant can provide support so that the elementary and secondary curriculum people can focus on "...the curriculum, Stupid!"
ReplyDeleteIf satire helped CCUSD bring in quality candidates to teach my children, then I'd applaud your site.
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately, your satire combined with the "journalism" of our local paper likely work to have the opposite effect.
Good candidates will likely do some research on the district before applying here. They'd likely google 'CCUSD' to learn more. Yes, they will see excelling schools and A+ schools when they visit the district website. Hopefully that would be enough to make them want to give CCUSD a chance.
But what happens when they search a bit more. Your site appears 4th when I google CCUSD. I wonder what candidates think about coming to work here after reading your site?
It may not have been your desired outcome but you are likely causing quality people to reconsider working here. Interesting given you are advocates for change. Did you ever consider you might be negatively impacting others outside of the board and admin?
And you wonder why the district is posting anywhere and everywhere.
Where did we post rumors?
ReplyDelete1. Director of Curriculum and Instruction - Nancy
2. Director of Secondary Curriculum and Instruction - Cara
3. Director of Curriculum &
Instruction – Elementary - Job Posted
Three. These are the current facts.
Honeymom posted the rumor about Ms. Shaver which is an interesting development.
Again why are we hiring more administrators when we just cut classroom resources?
Question: "Where did we post rumors?"
ReplyDeleteAnswer: "__X__ Post another link to awesome political satire and see how many district apologists we can tweak without really saying anything."
Wouldn't it stand to reason that if Nancy Shaver is leaving her position, they may post job and perhaps adjust title? I don't know if that is the case or not, but give this a chance to play out. I don't even know if the Nancy Shaver thing is factual or not. As I said, it is a rumor.
ReplyDeleteIf there isn't a 3rd position being added as you have surmised, wouldn't you have jumped to a conclusion? Can you tell us that you know for a fact, at this point, that this is truly a third position? And, if it is, can you tell us that no position of equal standing in the district office has been eliminated to make room for it?
You or one of this board's posters (I am not going back to reread all of the blog) accuse the district of using the delphi method. Please be careful of this yourself. Do not get into a mindset where you look at every job posting with a predetermined judgement that the district is evil.
Oh, btw, the name of the other principal is floating around as a rumor right now, too. I won't let that cat out of the bag though. Let's see if you can figure it out through your district contacts. That would make a better story than this one.
Dear "July 3, 2008 7:29 AM",
ReplyDeleteYou wrote...
"But what happens when they search a bit more. Your site appears 4th when I google CCUSD. I wonder what candidates think about coming to work here after reading your site?"
"It may not have been your desired outcome but you are likely causing quality people to reconsider working here."
Excellent points. We will take some time to ponder this.
Our initial take would be what we wrote on this post, "An outstanding curriculum can survive childish board members, teacher turnover, and flighty superintendents."
Wow, my friend, who is on the board, I never considered childish. I actually thought they were quite intelligent and always trying to do their best for the children. Thank you so much for opening my eyes. Perhaps you were thinking of another board member.
ReplyDeleteHoneymom, you brought out an Excellent point about outside candidates researching our school district. Perhaps CCUSDWatch should really think how outsiders perceive this website. In addition, just stating that the cirriculum will outweigh the "childish board members, teacher turnover and flighty superintendent" is nonsense. When one goes to a job interview, don't they look at the entire package and not just one myopic portion of the job interview? It's like saying the job description sounds great but the company and my boss are awful.....Oh yeah....sign me up ;)
I guess you didn't hear about...
ReplyDeleteThe board member who complained about the seat provided because she didn't like where they put her so she sat in the audience
The late start of meetings due to board members calling in via the telephone late
The board member accusations of a rigged election for president
The board member who quit because others wouldn't play nice
Board members frequently second guessing administrators in areas outside the board's oversight
Dear 5:35p,
ReplyDeleteIt was another poster who spoke of the problems that this blog could cause with job searchers. Credit, where credit is due, but I think it is a very good point.
You should take the opportunity to read the minutes from this year's governing board meetings. I had heard about the infighting, but it was a real eye opener. I don't know who your friend is and not every board member is problematic, but they definitely were too busy fighting to get to the business of the children. The fact that there is infighting and dysfunction on the boe is one of the things that I now agree with CCUSD Watch on although there are many things that I disagree with Watch on as well.
Minutes seem to take about 60 days to show up. The last set of minutes up on the district website aren't as bad as some of the minutes earlier in the year. Hopefully, they are moving in the right direction.
I do think it would be in everybody's best interests and the districts best interests if we all try to stay on top of what is happening and to educate ourselves about the people running for election.