Monday, July 14, 2008

In Support of the Sonoran News

We received this unsolicited email from a supporter of the Sonoran News and thought it was news worthy. As we have stated, we have an email relationship with the Sonoran News. We have submitted letters to the editor of the Sonoran News, some were published, some were not. Additionally, Ms. Bently has also passed to us news tips about CCUSD and vice versa.

The Sonoran News did run an article last week on its website about the two board resignations which did not appear in the paper. You can read it here.

CCUSD exodus continues

In Support of the Sonoran News


It's always shoot the messenger. That's always the easiest to blame so no one has to take any responsibility. I bet the Sonoran News wishes it has one tenth as much influence as these bloggers seem to give them credit for.

The facts pretty much speak for themselves. And on numerous occasions the facts just don't support the CCUSD administration's agenda. For example, when voters had already approved $12 million in bonds in 2001 plus the $12 million in SFB money already authorized to build a high school, they issued the bonds in 2006, without a plan of what they were going to do. Then they decided to build a $60 million high school and asked the voters for $120 million.

Stephanie Reese bickered over how she wanted to call the $2 million for moving EMF lines "grounds improvements." Susan Clancy thought it should be called exactly what it was.

It's funny, though, how bloggers accuse Ms. Bentley of not attending meetings, but then blame her for what happens there. Maybe people don't realize the press packets contain all the backup documentation that's not included with the public's copy of the agenda.

And, when a meeting is going to be a PowerPoint presentation of the same PowerPoint presentation included in the press packet, why wouldn't anyone dispense with attending a school board meeting? It's difficult to sit through meetings where they talk in code language that non-school affiliated members of the public don't have a clue what they're talking about half the time.

When Ashby came on board, she decided to begin every meeting with some sort of glee club or music class presentation and people who came to board meetings were incensed. The public doesn't want to sit through that stuff. The public is primarily interested in board business not fluff and the bickering that's gone on.

During a heavily attended public hearing a few years ago, two elderly women in their 70s walked into the hearing room and walked back out and asked where the public hearing was being held. When they were told they were just in there, they said, "Oh, no, they're having some sort of assemby."

And all those pointing a finger at Susan Clancy, as if she's an evil person for being a free-thinking human being, she has more continuity with the community and the district, than most people blogging put together.

She was responsible for passage of the bonds and overrides that built the last four or five schools. Things changed dramatically after 9/11. The boards she sat on were able to justify their expenditures. The administration was not all that transparent or timely with providing for information asked for.

What Clancy is not responsible for is the selection of Tacy Ashby as superintendent. If she were on the board when Ashby was a candidate, she would not have selected her based on Ashby's performance as assistant superintendent before she left the district the first time. Ashby has now brought back Donna Lewis, who also held the assistant superintendent position after Ashby left and she too left after a year, like Ashby, to work for the state.

Also, when Stephanie Reese claimed all the board members were contacted by Linda Shaner about Ashby's request to be released from her contract, that was a lie. Susan Clancy said she was not notified. She said she didn't even know about it until a few hours before the meeting when someone from the community called her.

All the parents and residents in the district are not mind-numbed Stepford cheerleaders for whatever the district tells them. There are still quite a few free-thinking people in the district that are able to understand the facts and the district's spin on them.

If the district had nothing to spin, the district wouldn't need a $60,000 part-time Public Relations person.

The Sonoran News does plenty of research. And, the research and articles they've written about the district are based on the same information the district sends to the Arizona Department of Education, which, by the way, still reflects the superintendent's salary as being $275,000, despite the district's claim that it was corrected.

Oh, well ... Maybe Nedda Shafir will be next to go. If anyone thinks she's an asset to the district, they should pay her salary. If they decide to have a Public Information Officer, maybe they'll hire someone who has some knowledge of Arizona's public records laws and that shouldn't cost anywhere near as much as Nedda.

It seems that when the going gets tough, the weak leadership starts bailing. Ashby and Reese were running a rudderless ship. After running it it aground, they bailed.


  1. This certainly confirms my thoughts on the watch's identities.

  2. Man, the person who causes the most problems on the Board has to have her actions defended...what about all of the apparent threats Ms. Clancy made against Superintendent Ashby? I heard that it was pretty evident that Ms. Clancy was out to get our superintendent. Let's make sure we tell both sides of the story. There is a reason that we run through superintendents and high school principals like water....what are the common demoninators? Hummm...let's guess. Have we ever seen Ms. Clancy say one nice thing about anyone or anything pertaining to the district administration.

  3. Honestly,

    This is a load of TRIPE. No one blames Ms. Bentley for what happens at the meetings; however, people read that newspaper thinking it is honest journalism. Reporting about a meeting from press materials and board packets should be stated as such OR named, atributable sources (i.e. quotes) should be used for stories about meetings. THAT IS GOOD journalism. In many other reputable papers, writers would not be allowed to write about events or activities in which they had personal investments (i.e. Ms. Bentley and Section 16). They also would NEVER be allowed to write about meetings they did not attend purely from the agenda, board packets, etc. I would also like to state that Ms. Bentley has quoted materials that were NOT distributed at board meetings and which she DID NOT request herself (or the paper) from the public documents request. So it would be nice of her to quote in her articles the person from whom she received these materials...

    The reason the Sonoran News is not appreciated is not because it writes about the district, but because it does so with NO objectivity. Stories are all one-sided, and push one viewpoint. That viewpoint seems to be completely negative with no willingness to see anything the district does right.

    Whether it is born of a fear that supporting the district might get people out to vote and an override or bond might actually pass (and thus raise taxes--even if it is only $50 a year) or whether it is that they just revel in causing havoc. Or whether it is because they really don't want any schools up here and hope to completely undermine and shut down the district...I don't know what their objective is...Whatever it is. It is pathetic.

    Why does the district need a PR person? Because the Sonoran News always puts a negative spin on everything -- intimating there are issues where there aren't -- putting people personally through the ringer or sabotaging their businesses, etc. when they disagree with them...No one wants to put their own personal life at risk by going toe-to-toe with the editor of that publication. It's just not worth it.

    So the district needs to hire a PR person to use whatever means are possible to get both sides of a story out and to correct misstatements and errors in the Sonoran News. In addition, the Sonoran News is NOTORIOUS for not printing corrections or printing them with snide editorial comments along with them.

    Some advertiseres have even told me they only advertise there for "blood money" so the editor will leave them alone. That's just ridiculous.

    Now we have Sonoran News apologists being given full open comment on this site. Wow! I thought Watch had some common sense and some chance for bringing positive change...aligning with a group that chooses to do nothing but shoot things down is ridiculous.

    As for whether Member Clancy received the informaiton or not about Dr. Ashby's resignation I don't really care. While we all expect everyone to work as professionals, people are people and if I were continually getting questions, undermined and micromanaged like Ms. Clancy does then i would probably not make too much effort to put her at the top of my informant list either. And before she starts gabbing about how professionals shouldn't do that...I'd like to ask her if she was being professional by refusing to sit in her seat on the dias when she did not like the outcome of the board president election? That was not professional...and that made our board look extremely foolish. Is that in the best interest of our students?

    Watch, just such tripe. How sad...I guess, like you, I have my areas where I throw grenades and refuse to be more open minded and that is with the Sonoran News.

    I guess I owe it to them to at least try to see where they are unbiased. I have not seen anything in that publication in regard to its coverage of the schools or the district (other than sports or the arts) that is ever positive (if it exists, I'd LOVE to see samples of it. Can you find me an article that says a board (and not just their poster child Member Clancy) did something right? Can you find me an article that supports a bond or override? Show me those and help me get some proof to change my mind about the bias of that publication.

  4. Can anyone tell me what POSITIVE thing has Ms. Clancy done for our schools? She is a troublemaker and to be honest, I see no evidence of her actually working collaboratively with other members of the board and actually doing something productive. All I here is complaining and threats? Is this was we all want for our kids? She certainly doesn't exhibit the qualities that I would like my kids to be's an embarrasment that we need to fix..

  5. Has anyone noticed that since all the commentary on this blog, that the recent Sonoran News articles seemed a great deal more factual than ever before.

    Maybe they are listening.

    As far as I can tell the Arizona Republic and the East Valley Tribune have all but abandoned reporting on our district. They never send reporters to our meetings, never reach out to parents or PTOs for quotes, and their news on the district consists mostly of quoting press releases.

    We need to take things into our own hands and get the news out ourseleves.

  6. I suppose we are all entitled to our opinions, although I'd be glad to point out all of my disagreements with what SN prints if they were to fix their archive link. At this point, I would be pulling from memory, but suffice it to say I have read more than one opinionated and skewed article.

    If Ms. Bentley has such evidence of impropriety, why hasn't she raised it with the Arizona Department of Education? Let the proper authorities sort it out if it truly exists. My guess is that the improprieties that she alleges are more of a hook to sell newspapers.

    As to Ms. Clancy, I just suggest that any parent who is on the fence about this one go read the boe minutes. Her support is clearly to her constiuents first. Perhaps at one point in the past she was more geared to the students. I really don't see how 9/11 changed her if we are to believe this from the letter here. On 9/11, I lived in a Connecticut town that actually lost members of its community. It was even more supportive of its children afterwards. The logic in the author's 9/11 analogy evades me. Perhaps the author can clarify what they meant.


  7. No real change will happen in CCUSD until Ms. Clancy resigns or is forced out (recall) of her board position. No real change will happen in this community until the owner of the "paper of contention" decides to act like a responsible member of the community.

  8. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Is someone getting nervous about their position on the board?

  9. No, but we all should be nervous...four positions to fill and 4 candidates? Pretty sad. To be quite honest, I could only support two of the 4. The other two are bad news. One is dishonest and will tell one person one thing and someone else another and the other person sued the State of AZ and tried to have CV moved back to its own district. This man had zero interest in making our district better or the kids. I think the other two will be positive additions to the board.

  10. Please help!
    We NEED to all SEARCH for and ACTIVELY support qualified board candidates and we are running out of time. To my count we need at least 3 more qualified candidates (so we can have one extra to replace Ms. Clancy when she is recalled).

    I am so livid right now. I just found out that the Sonoran News sued the district and now the district will do NOTHING to provide information to parents regarding the K-3 override because they are more concerned than ever about lawsuits. DO YOU KNOW how many parents complain to me almost daily that they did not know enough about this election or that election and that's why they didn't vote or voted "no"? Now I find out that the publication which does NOTHING but trash the district and print incorrect information all in the guise of supporting our parents has now taken away their freedom of information? That it has now eliminated our parents ability to get what little information the district felt comfortable providing.

    That's it! That's my final straw. This paper has to GO. My boycot of businesses that advertises in there officially begins. As does the printing of cards I will distribute to those businesses saying why I am boycotting. Luckily a lot of the businesses I support already refuse to advertise there. But this is just ridiculous....

    It was humiliating enough to learn that SN had increased their circulation to areas of North Scottsdale so the community of Cave Creek can be further humiliated as people outside the community read about the most miserable, grumpy, frightened of change, vocal minority and their sad pathetic views of our community. The Towns of Carefree and Cave Creek should be fighting for this piece of trash to go under as well because now they are spreading a horrible view of this town to outlying communities.

    I do not want to live in the town that is portrayed in the Sonoran News. I like the town that includes all the old timers who live her and love this town and know there will be growth but have positive ideas on how to handle it and know the district may have challenges, but work hard to support its children, teachers and administrators. That is the Cave Creek I know. The town the Sonoran News writes about is just ugly and sad.

    CCUSD Watch just lost what little credibility it was gaining with this load of garbage.

  11. Dear 8:58p,

    If what you say is true about a lawsuit, it just may be the straw that breaks the camel's back.


  12. The Sonoran News does not only do this to the district; they also do it to anyone who has any forward-thinking ideas in regard to the towns of Cave Creek and Carefree. The editor attends the Cave Creek town council meetings as one of about 3 people who go to the meetings to shoot down any proposals offered to the district -- especially if the proposals are from developers (no matter how good, forward thinking, etc.) and basically keep this town in the dark ages.

    Developers in town are furious with the paper as well. Many of these folks actually have great ideas for their property for businesses, activities, etc. that are very much in keeping with the tradition of the town; but they face opposition at every step of the way from the vocal few in this town who are given loud voice through the editorial and news section of the Sonoran News.

    The district is not alone in its frustration with the S'News...

    Whoever successfully runs the paper out of town will be celebrated.

  13. I am working on getting backup on the lawsuit information to clarify the details.

  14. And another thing...
    I sat through MUCH LONGER school/club, etc. presentations when Mr. Gordon was Superintendent. I can't read that Sonoran News apologists letter any more it is just so sad and pathetic.

  15. There is no evidence of a recent civil lawsuit filed against CCUSD in Maricopa County.

    Civil Court Case History

  16. This email from the rag supporter is nothing but a pathetic, last ditch effort for sympathy from a community that is SICK of it. The cheerleading in the email is obnoxious (like the rag). READ THE BOARD MINUTES email person. HOW CAN YOU SUPPORT SOMEONE WHO DOESN'T LIKE HER SEAT, SITS IN THE AUDIENCE AND THEN SCURRIES UP TO THE MICROPHONE WHEN SHE HAS SOMETHING TO SAY. Nice example. Is she serious? How can that behavior go unnoticed. How can childish behavior from a board member be what's best for the children of Cave Creek? Did anyone start the recall paperwork?

  17. According to Ms. Bentley they are not suing anyone.

  18. I stand corrected. It was a complaint. Filed in...November, I believe...just shooting one over the bow so the Sonoran News can guarantee that the community only hears news and information about bonds and overrides from them.

    This is some state legislation that needs some serious adjustment. This allows communities like Cave Creek to be held hostage by unsupportive people who put out misleading and incorrect information and tie the hands of the district in providing any material or information to share other sides of the issue...

  19. Hey everyone - I setup an account over at the new site. Yes, you have to create a login name (of anything you want) and attach it to an email account. to remain anonymous just create a free generic email account on something like gmail.

    Sorry I was first so I got to be recallsc

    I already posted the first note about this drivel.

    I hope Don S. doesn't stop fast one day - that writers nose will be in an area it doesn't belong

  20. Hi recallsc,

    There is no email verification at the new site, so feel free to enter a real or fake email address.


  21. This blog has moved to

    and is now part of

    Tatum Central

    Please continue the discussion there.


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