Monday, July 14, 2008

Statement from Mr. Virgel Cain, Appointed Cave Creek Unified Governing Board Member

As promised we received this statement from Mr. Virgel Cain this evening. Here it is in full. We thank him for his statement.

Dear CCUSD Watch,

As promised here is a statement in regard to my appointment to fill the remaining term of Dr. Marv Christensen on the CCUSD Governing Board (expiration date of Dec. 31, 2008). In addition, as you already know, I am gathering petition signatures and will be running to fill a four year term at the Nov. 4th., 2008 election.

I was sworn in to fill Dr. Christensen's Governing Board position this morning at approximately 10:15 AM at Superintendent Dowling's office. I officially become a voting member of the Governing Board at approximately 10:15 AM tomorrow, July 15th., 2008.

Here is a brief bio of some of my most recent accomplishments:

Substitute Teacher (CCUSD), 2000-2005
Member Foster Care Review Board #37, AZ Supreme Court
Member City of Phoenix Military & Veterans Commission
Secretary City of Phoenix Military & Veterans Foundation
Member of CCUSD Long Range Planning Committee
PTO member in the recent past at Sonoran Trails MS, this past year at Desert Willow ES
Member of ESPA Committee, City of Phoenix (East Sonoran Parkway Alignment Committee)
President, Tatum Ranch Community Association
Past Chairman and Treasurer of the Organization of Associated Salespeople in the Southwest (OASIS)
Secretary, Friends of the Library-Desert Broom Branch

I have been married to my wife Marcy for 27 years, an Arizona resident since 1979 and a CCUSD resident for over 12 years. We have two children (one foster and one adoptive daughter), and one granddaughter that attends DWES. I am a U. S. Navy Vietnam veteran.

I have an AA Degree from Rio Hondo College in Whittier, California in Business Administration. I have a BA Degree from California State University, Fullerton, California in Business Administration/Management. I have over 40 years experience in retail/wholesale sales and management. I am currently the Community Relations Manager for Barnes & Noble-Happy Valley store. I have spent most of my life working with people.

I'm certain that everyone wants to know my philosophy on how a Board should function and why I want to be a Board member. The duties of any Governing Board are to set long range goals/planning, to set policy and direction and to act as an oversight to paid administration and staff. The Governing Board has ONLY one employee and that is the Superintendent of Cave Creek Unified School District. It is NOT the duty of the Governing Board to micromanage nor get fully involved in the day to day operation of the District, that is the job of the administration and staff.

My goal as a Board member is simple, to do what is in the best interest of OUR children. I will ask myself before each vote I cast if that vote is in the best interest of OUR children and will it improve their education. We need to focus on OUR children, we need to ensure that the maximum amount of attention and resources are placed in the classrooms, that is where OUR children are and that is where the priority is. What do I mean by that? We need to support the needs of each classroom by providing the very best teacher, and the correct equipment and supplies to meet the needs of each student in each class.

We have a great school district. Having said that we have some problems that need to be resolved. One problem at a time should be met head on. Everyone can't be happy, it's not possible, but if we stay focused on what's best for OUR students then we'll know that we have done the very best that we can. There is NO reason that Cave Creek Unified School District should not be the best school district in the State of Arizona. We've got the foundation to build upon if we can all find a way to work together to make that dream come true, we're not that far away from making that a reality. I'd like to thank the dedicated staff and teachers that truly pour their hearts out everyday to provide OUR children with an excellent education.

Thank you for the opportunity to express my views and share my bio with each of you. I look forward to the days, weeks and months ahead and I hope we can find the common ground that we need to fulfill our dreams. IT'S FOR OUR KIDS!


Virgel Cain


  1. Thank you so much Mr. Cain. Your comments sound like just what we need on our board. Objectivity; awarenes of the board's requirements and limitations and commitment to working with the community.

    I wish you much luck! Thank you for being willing to serve on the CCUSD board.

  2. Thank you Mr. Cain. I wish you all the best. You've spoken from your heart, from a dedicated parent to a dedicated grandparent -thank you.

  3. I also thank you Mr. Cain and wish you much success. It sounds like you will be an asset to our boe.


  4. Welcome, Mr. Cain! Make this your first motion to the board - GET RID OF DEBBIE BURDICK!!!!!

  5. Oh please 8:48, then who do you want as interim? Perhaps Ms. Clancy's friend, Kay?

  6. Let's not start - give her a chance. PLEASE. In the words of the Watch "play nice children"

  7. If you thought Dr. Ashby was bad, get ready for Dr. Burdick.

  8. I just sent him an email wishing him luck. In reading this article, I also realized we are both alums from CSUF ;-)

  9. This blog has moved to

    and is now part of

    Tatum Central

    Please continue the discussion there.


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